Human Services

The Human Services Branch provides services and essential resources to protect the most vulnerable Tulare County residents through the implementation of programs that use best practice interventions and education. The Human Services Branch serves the residents of Tulare County by providing protective and supportive services to at-risk and underserved families and individuals of all ages.
The Human Services Branch comprises the following three divisions:
- Adult Services
Develops and supports home- and community-based services that allow individuals to stay in their own homes or least restrictive, home-like environments. Additionally, this division provides assistance to veterans and their families looking to access veterans benefits.
- Child Welfare Services (CWS)
Assists families in providing preventive services when health and safety issues occur. CWS is dedicated to helping families achieve safety and stability, making sure children are protected from abusive and potentially harmful situations, and ensuring families in our system receive the services they need.
- TulareWORKs
Provides essential resources and services to children and families experiencing financial hardship, life crises, or barriers to employment. Additionally, TulareWORKs partners with community organizations to minimize employment barriers, provide job skills training, and facilitate additional support services.
- Request for Information
Authorization for use or disclosure of protected health information.
- Adoption
Adoption also provides a child with a permanent family. This page provides information on how to engage in the adoption process.
- Adult Protective Services
The Adult Protective Services program has the serious responsibility of responding to reports of dependent adult abuse or neglect. There are no fees related to this assistance, and income and property are not considered in relation to services offered.
- CalFresh (Nutrition Assistance)
CalFresh benefits help low-income individuals and households supplement their food budgets to buy nutritious foods.
- CalWORKs (Cash Aid)
The CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) program provides temporary cash assistance to families with children to help pay for necessities like clothing, housing, and food.
- Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
CAPI is a program that provides cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled non-citizens in California who are ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to their immigration status.
- Child Welfare Services
Assists families in providing preventive services when health and safety issues occur. CWS is dedicated to helping families achieve safety and stability, making sure children are protected from abusive and potentially harmful situations, and ensuring families in our system receive the services they need.
- Civil Rights
The Civil Rights Coordinator reviews and investigates all civil rights complaints filed against Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency for discrimination.
- Employment Services & Family Stabilization
The Employment Services and Family Stabilization Programs help persons receiving CalWORKs benefits prepare for and obtain employment. The programs provide supportive services to help program participants work toward self-sufficiency.
- General Assistance
The General Assistance (GA) program provides temporary cash aid to adults who cannot support themselves, do not receive other public funds, and are ineligible for any other assistance programs.
- Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP)
The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) counselors are trained in Medicare and the coordination of supplemental benefits; Medi-Cal, MediGap, prescription drug plans, consumer rights, billing and claim issues, VA, employer retiree, and long-term care insurance.
- Indigent Cremation Program
When a Tulare County resident without burial funds passes away, the County may be able to help. To receive these services, the person's entire household must earn less than the federal poverty level.
- In-Home Parent Education
In the convenience and privacy of your own home, or at your local Family Resource Center, you can learn more about how to cope when problems arise and how to deal with a child’s disruptive behaviors before they become problems.
- In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program pays for services that enable aged, blind, and disabled individuals to continue living safely in their own homes, and avoid or delay the need for nursing home care.
- Legal Services for Seniors
The Senior Legal Services program provides free legal information and advice to help Tulare County seniors deal with the most common legal issues confronting adults age 60 and over and caregivers age 55 and over.
- Mandated Reporting
To make a report, a mandated reporter must contact the appropriate local law enforcement or county child welfare agency, listed on this page.
- Medi-Cal
Medi-Cal is California's name for the Federal program Medicaid.
Medi-Cal provides no- or low-cost health care for individuals, families with children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, foster care, pregnant women, and persons with specific diseases such as tuberculosis, breast cancer, or HIV/AIDS.
- Multi-Purpose Senior Services
Tulare County Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) nurses and social workers work with you to coordinate care and obtain services and items to improve your health and safety and enable you continue to live in your home as you grow older.
- Nutritious Meals for Seniors
The Senior Nutrition Program provides tasty and nutritious lunches for seniors (age 60 and over) at several locations throughout Tulare and Kings counties. We also deliver meals to the homebound who cannot cook for themselves.
- Pregnant & Parenting Teens (Cal-Learn)
Cal-Learn is a statewide program aimed to assist pregnant and parenting teens who receive CalWORKs in completing their high school diplomas or equivalent.
- Public Guardian
The Public Guardian takes charge of the personal care and finances of a person who has been found by the court to be incapable of taking care of him- or herself.
- Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
RCA is a cash assistance program for refugees who are not otherwise eligible for any other cash aid. RCA also includes employment and other social services to assist a refugee in becoming self-sufficient.
- Reporting Child Abuse
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-331-1585; operators accept calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
- Resource Family Approval
If you are interested in becoming a resource family, our friendly staff will answer all your questions and help you gather the necessary information to take this important step in your life—and in the life of one or more children.
- Safely Surrendering Your Baby
There are options. Do not abandon your baby.
No Shame | No Blame | No Names
Dial 1-877-222-9723 (1-877-BABY-SAF)
- Senior Information & Assistance
The Information & Assistance program is your gateway to finding senior services in Tulare County. We provide quick information and referrals to local services as well as guidance on state and federal services.
- SSI Advocacy
If you find it difficult and confusing to apply for or submit appeals to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), call the SSI Advocacy Program; staff can help you.
- Trafficking and Crime Victim Assistance Program (TCVAP)
TCVAP is a cash assistance program for non-citizen victims of crime who are in need of immediate services, and who are obtaining a legal humanitarian status or assisting in the prosecution of a crime.
- TulareWORKs Family Advocate
The TulareWORKs Family Advocate responds to inquiries, complaints, and concerns regarding various TulareWORKs services, including CalWORKs (cash aid), Medi-Cal, CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps), and General Assistance (GA).
- Unhoused Programs & Services
Tulare County HHSA collaborates with partners and offers a variety of programs and resources for homeless or unhoused individuals and families. We are committed to serving the unhoused population and increasing accessibility to resources to help residents thrive.
- Veterans Services Office (VSO)
The Veterans Services office is dedicated to serving Tulare County veterans and their families. Many veterans are unaware of the services and benefits they could be receiving, and others need help to understand the paperwork required to file claims.