Moms & Moms-to-be

Moms & Moms-to-be

Stepping into motherhood is a big adventure, and Tulare County HHSA is here to help alleviate any stresses or concerns you might have in taking care of your little one. WIC and other health and wellness programs will help your family get a solid start.


Adoption also provides a child with a permanent family. This page provides information on how to engage in the adoption process.

CalFresh (Nutrition Assistance)
CalFresh (Nutrition Assistance)

CalFresh benefits help low-income individuals and households supplement their food budgets to buy nutritious foods.

Child Welfare Services
Child Welfare Services

Assists families in providing preventive services when health and safety issues occur. CWS is dedicated to helping families achieve safety and stability, making sure children are protected from abusive and potentially harmful situations, and ensuring families in our system receive the services they need.

Child Welfare Services Family Advocate
Child Welfare Services Family Advocate

The Child Welfare Services (CWS) Family Advocate provides assistance to families involved in the CWS system. This may include birth parents, children, relatives, and resource families.

Foster Youth Resources
Foster Youth Resources

As a child or youth in foster care, you may experience many challenges; here are some resources to help you tackle them.

Local Oral Health Program (LOHP)
Local Oral Health Program (LOHP)

The Local Oral Health Program's (LOHP) mission is to improve the oral health of all Californians through prevention, education, and organized community efforts.

Mandated Reporting
Mandated Reporting

To make a report, a mandated reporter must contact the appropriate local law enforcement or county child welfare agency, listed on this page. 


Medi-Cal is California's name for the Federal program Medicaid.
Medi-Cal provides no- or low-cost health care for individuals, families with children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, foster care, pregnant women, and persons with specific diseases such as tuberculosis, breast cancer, or HIV/AIDS.

Pregnant & Parenting Teens (Cal-Learn)
Pregnant & Parenting Teens (Cal-Learn)

Cal-Learn is a statewide program aimed to assist pregnant and parenting teens who receive CalWORKs in completing their high school diplomas or equivalent.

Reporting Child Abuse
Reporting Child Abuse

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-331-1585; operators accept calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. 

Resource Family Approval
Resource Family Approval

If you are interested in becoming a resource family, our friendly staff will answer all your questions and help you gather the necessary information to take this important step in your life—and in the life of one or more children.

Tags: transfer, presumptive, presumptive transfer
Safely Surrendering Your Baby
Safely Surrendering Your Baby

There are options. Do not abandon your baby.

No Shame | No Blame | No Names

Dial 1-877-222-9723 (1-877-BABY-SAF)

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Access Line
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Access Line

SUD’s 24/7 Access Line, 1-866-732-4114 or TTY: 1-800-735-2922 is a confidential, free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year information service for individuals and family members facing alcohol and drug addictions (substance use disorders).

Substance Use Disorder Services
Substance Use Disorder Services

A division of Tulare County’s Health & Human Services Agency, the Mental Health Branch supports healthy children, adults, families, and communities by providing regional services to reduce substance use disorders.

Unhoused Programs & Services
Unhoused Programs & Services

Tulare County HHSA collaborates with partners and offers a variety of programs and resources for homeless or unhoused individuals and families. We are committed to serving the unhoused population and increasing accessibility to resources to help residents thrive.

Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

WIC is designed to help pregnant women, new mothers, and young children eat well and stay healthy. WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care and social services.

Agency News

Tulare County Selects New Public Health Officer

Tulare County Selects New Public Health Officer

On February 11, 2025, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to appoint Dr. Asma Tariq to the position of County Health Officer, effective May 4, 2025. Dr. Tariq fills the position that has been vacant since Dr. Karen Haught retired in 2023.

Public Health's Fruit and Veggie Fest 2025

Public Health's Fruit and Veggie Fest 2025

Join CalFresh Healthy Living and SaveCo for this year's annual Fruit and Veggie Fest on April 2! This fest is free to the public and includes fun and educational activities for the entire family. Come learn fun and easy ways to make every day delicious by adding fruits and vegetables to your meals.