Resource Family Approval

All children need safe and stable homes to thrive. Whenever possible, Child Welfare Services (CWS) provides assistance to families to help keep the children safely at home. However, when a child must be removed from his or her parents' or caregivers’ home due to neglect, abuse, or abandonment, CWS arranges for a temporary home. CWS strives to place all children who must be removed from their caregivers into the least restrictive, most family-like home available.
If you are interested in becoming a resource family with Tulare County, the first step is to attend one of our orientations, which are held twice a month on the 1st Tuesday in person at the CWS S. Mooney Office located at 6520 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia, CA 93277 and the 3rd Tuesday via zoom. All attendees must register prior to orientation. To register call (559) 687-6801. The orientation link will be emailed 1-2 days prior to class.
During orientation, an RFA Social Worker will discuss the rules and regulations as well as the approval process which includes: background checks, home assessments, interviews with the family, and training. At the time of orientation, you will be provided with an application packet. Attending orientation is a requirement to begin the Resource Family Approval process.
If you are already an approved resource family through Tulare County you will continue to have an RFA Social Worker assist you and answer any questions. You will also have the support of the Ombudsman and the Resource Parent Partner to help guide you through the Child Welfare System.
Do you have any physical, mental, or emotional conditions that make it hard for you to apply for benefits or meet program requirements? We can give extra help. We call this type of help a reasonable accommodation. The law protects people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities as well as others with serious health problems (42 U.S.C. § 12132). For more information, contact your worker. You can reach the Civil Rights Coordinator at or (559) 624-8078 as well as visit
Related Documents & Links
- Health Encounter Form
Health care providers shall complete this form and submit it to the Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care.
- Personal Rights Children's Residential Facilities
The California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 6 requires that each child and nonminor dependent placed in a licensed children’s residential facility or home must be advised of his/her personal rights and given a copy of these rights. This document outlines these rights.
- Resource Family Approval - Informative Brochure
This trifold brochure provides information about the Resource Family Approval process.
- Unusual Incident Injury Report
Utilize this form when a child experiences an unusual health incident or injury. This form shall be completed and submitted to the child's social worker.