Reporting Child Abuse

If this is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1
To report Child Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation, contact the toll-free
Child Abuse Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Anyone may report incidents of known or suspected child abuse or neglect. If you are unsure about making a report, please call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline. The identity of anyone making a report is always kept confidential.
The purpose of the Child Abuse Hotline is:
- To receive calls of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation involving children and parents/guardians/caregivers in the home
- To obtain factual information regarding a specific incident and generate a referral for investigation, if appropriate
- To ensure child safety and protection
Are you a mandated reporter? Please refer to the Mandated Reporting page link provided below.
- Facts About Child Abuse
Click here for facts about child abuse and tips on prevention.
- Mandated Reporting
This link will take you to the Mandated Reporting page within our website.