Advocacy & Problem Resolution

These programs will assist you in reporting issues you have witnessed or experienced with our services, expressing concerns for the safety of others—such as child or elder abuse, suicide prevention, or animal protection. Select the links below for more information.
- Child Welfare Services
Assists families in providing preventive services when health and safety issues occur. CWS is dedicated to helping families achieve safety and stability, making sure children are protected from abusive and potentially harmful situations, and ensuring families in our system receive the services they need.
- Child Welfare Services Family Advocate
The Child Welfare Services (CWS) Family Advocate provides assistance to families involved in the CWS system. This may include birth parents, children, relatives, and resource families.
- Foster Youth Resources
As a child or youth in foster care, you may experience many challenges; here are some resources to help you tackle them.
- Mandated Reporting
To make a report, a mandated reporter must contact the appropriate local law enforcement or county child welfare agency, listed on this page.
- Presumptive Transfers
A “presumptive transfer” establishes a prompt transfer of responsibility for arranging specialty mental health services from the county of original jurisdiction to the county in which a foster child resides.
- Reporting Child Abuse
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-331-1585; operators accept calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
- Safely Surrendering Your Baby
There are options. Do not abandon your baby.
No Shame | No Blame | No Names
Dial 1-877-222-9723 (1-877-BABY-SAF)
- TulareWORKs Family Advocate
The TulareWORKs Family Advocate responds to inquiries, complaints, and concerns regarding various TulareWORKs services, including CalWORKs (cash aid), Medi-Cal, CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps), and General Assistance (GA).