Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)

PHEP assists in the preparation for and response to urgent situations that could seriously affect the health and wellness of people in Tulare County. Examples include but are not limited to outbreaks of infectious diseases or bioterrorism events. They can also be unintentional, such as hazardous spills or releases of radiation and chemicals that might harm our food, water, or air. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods, or extreme heat are also considered emergencies.
PHEP also ensures the county’s first responders and health care system are prepared to handle health emergencies by providing training and expertise in planning and community education. This encourages all involved to work together effectively when there is a public health emergency. Efforts include partnerships with key groups such as hospitals, clinics, emergency services, and other county organizations to ensure consistency and an effective, united emergency response.
Related Documents & Links
This is a website for the Department of Homeland Security that provides information and recommendations about preparing for a variety of potential disasters.