May 8, 2020 NEWS RELEASE: County Health Officer Releases Amended Emergency Order for the Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission

May 8, 2020

The Tulare County Public Health Officer has signed and released an amended Emergency Order for the prevention of COVID-19 pursuant to Tulare County Ordinance and the California Health and Safety Code.

The Shelter-in-Place Order and the State’s Pandemic Roadmap have been adopted by the Tulare County Health Officer. Currently, only the authorized businesses under the modified Stage 2 classifications may open, using curbside pickup and delivery. The County continues to measure its readiness criteria to be prepared to move further into Stage 2. Current guidance related to the Pandemic Roadmap can be found at

  • Bars, wineries, breweries, and pubs shall be closed under the current process.
  • Restaurants shall follow the State’s guidelines and shall be open only to drive-through or other pickup/delivery options and shall not open their in-restaurant seated dining nor allow consumption of food or beverages on-premises.
  • Gambling locales, entertainment and recreational venues, gyms and social clubs, and social gatherings (including church services, social clubs, and meetings of services) shall remain closed.
  • Outdoor family recreational activities are allowed as long as it is feasible to maintain a safe physical distance of six feet and gather only with members of the same household at all times during said activity(ies). Individual outdoor recreational activities are permissible as long as it is feasible to maintain a safe physical distance of six feet from others at all times during said activity. Any outdoor group sports or activities shall be postponed or cancelled unless the sport or activity can be done individually.
  • For those businesses closed under this Order, business owners, managers, and supervisory staff are allowed to be on site to conduct minimum basic operations, provided that they each observe the social distancing and best personal hygiene practices.
  • No County permits for special events shall be granted, all County permits for special events previously issued are revoked or postponed, and no temporary ABC licenses shall be authorized by the County until social gatherings are permitted under the County’s current stage of the Pandemic Roadmap.

Community members are strongly urged to practice social distancing of six feet per person when able to do so, wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, wear face coverings, such as scarves (dense fabric, without holes), bandannas, neck gaiters, or other fabric face coverings, at all times while inside of or waiting to enter any business or facility, while riding or waiting to ride any public or shared transportation, and at any other time when it is impossible to maintain a distance of six feet between persons who are not members of a shared household, and to follow all other guidance from public health officials with regard to the threat posed by COVID-19.

For more information about COVID-19, visit and

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