March 4, 2021 News Release: Tulare County Using Statewide My Turn Platform for COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments

Tulare County Using Statewide My Turn Platform
for COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments

Tulare County Public Health is now using the statewide My Turn platform for COVID-19 vaccination notifications and scheduling appointments. This announcement comes as the County has partnered with Curative to operate an ongoing mass vaccination clinic at the International Agri-Center in Tulare. Vaccination appointments are now available in the new scheduling platform My Turn for those eligible groups to make appointments for the much-sought-after vaccination. Through the statewide system, Tulare County residents can sign up to receive notifications via text or email when it is their turn to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, based on eligibility, and to schedule both first and second vaccination appointments. County officials urge residents to visit My Turn at: to sign up, or call 1-833-422-4255 if in need of assistance over the phone.

To date, over 30% of residents who notified Tulare County Public Health of their interest to get vaccinated by completing the COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form have been vaccinated. County officials will continue to use the interest form, and individuals who have completed the interest form will continue to be contacted for vaccination appointments as they open. However, officials urge residents to use My Turn, as it is possible they may secure a vaccination appointment sooner.

My Turn - How it Works
While COVID-19 vaccine supply remains limited to eligible groups, the My Turn portal allows residents to find out if they are eligible and if it's their turn to get vaccinated. If they are currently eligible, the platform provides the ability to schedule vaccination appointments. If it isn't your turn yet, you can register to be notified when you become eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Tulare County. Currently, health care workers, individuals age 65 and older, and frontline workers in education and childcare, emergency services and public safety, and food and agriculture can book appointments.

The home page asks users to select a language; then they will be prompted to click to check their eligibility. On the next page, users will be asked to confirm their eligibility through questions, including what county they live in, they’re occupation, and their age range. The portal will then let users know if they are or are not eligible.

Those whose turn it is to get the vaccine will then be asked to put in an address or ZIP code to find appointment locations and times — provided any vaccination clinics are available. For those not eligible, the website will give the user the option to register for updates. The prompt includes questions about their age range, their employment, whether they live in a long-term care setting or congregate housing, and some personal information, including name, ZIP code, and phone number.

Curative Partnership to Operate Mass Vaccination Clinic at the International Agri-Center
Tulare County Public Health is pleased to announce its partnership with Curative to operate an ongoing mass vaccination clinic at the International Agri-Center in Tulare. If you are currently eligible to get vaccinated in Tulare County and have yet to secure an appointment elsewhere, visit: Tulare County COVID-19 website at: to schedule your appointment, or call the Tulare County COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center at (559) 685-2260.

Curative is no stranger to vaccinating the masses, as it currently operates mass vaccination clinics throughout California as a leader in on-demand public health service programs and infrastructure. From rapid, mass-scale testing for COVID-19 to other essential services, Curative partners with communities to strengthen public health services with turnkey programs, easy-to-access experiences, and scalable infrastructure, keeping people everywhere safe, healthy, and informed. The mass vaccination site located at the International Agri-Center in Tulare will operate four days a week, including weekends.

“It’s an honor for Curative to deliver vaccination deployment in the Tulare County community. This is a significant moment in history, and we are ready to bring these life-saving vaccines to people who need them,” said Isaac Turner, Chief Information Officer and co-founder of Curative. “Curative has disrupted the traditional health care delivery system by rapidly scaling COVID-19 testing at thousands of sites across the country in a matter of months and administering the flu vaccine. Now, we are eager to put our proven model to work for the COVID-19 vaccine. As we enter this new phase of the pandemic, we’re building on everything we learned over the last year at Curative, and we look forward to making health care more accessible to all, both now and in the future, as we evolve as a company.”

For more information about COVID-19, visit and



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