January 21, 2021 News Release: Tulare County 2-1-1 is Overwhelmed, Residents Urged to Complete COVID Vaccine Interest Form for Future Vaccine Appointments

Tulare County 2-1-1 is Overwhelmed, Residents Urged to Complete

COVID Vaccine Interest Form for Future Vaccine Appointments

COVID Vaccine supply remains LIMITED and currently Tulare County does not have enough vaccine supply to fulfill all who are eligible. Tulare County’s 2-1-1 Call Center is overwhelmed with calls, and officials are asking residents to refrain from calling 2-1-1 for COVID vaccine information, but rather complete the COVID Vaccine Interest Form if seeking an appointment to get vaccinated in Tulare County. Officials will then make direct communications to residents who complete the interest form to inform them how to obtain an appointment for vaccine when they are eligible.

In addition, County residents can visit the COVID Vaccine webpage for information rather than calling 2-1-1 and refrain from further overwhelming the call center. Individuals are encouraged to use the website whenever possible to sign up for appointment information through the COVID Vaccine Interest Form to avoid long wait times on the phone. Tulare County vaccine information is available online at: https://covid19.tularecounty.ca.gov/covid-19-vaccine/.

Tulare County COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form

Tulare County residents can inform County health officials of their intent to get vaccinated for COVID-19 by completing the Tulare County COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form. Residents can sign up for vaccine notifications of when they are eligible and where they can go to get vaccinated by completing the Tulare County COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Form online at: https://arcg.is/0KKez4.

By completing the interest form and alerting county officials of your interest for the COVID vaccine, Tulare County Public Health will contact you directly to make an appointment when more vaccine supply becomes available. Tulare County is offering vaccinations for COVID-19 to those eligible in Phase 1A and elderly residents. For complete information on eligibility and vaccine phases, visit: https://covid19.tularecounty.ca.gov/covid-19-vaccine/.

Vaccine Second-Dose Appointments

Already received your first dose of the COVID vaccine and need to make your second dose appointment? Please DO NOT call 2-1-1. Tulare County Public Health will contact you directly by phone or email to schedule your second dose appointment. The second dose of vaccine must be the same vaccine manufacturer as your first dose. For Pfizer, the second dose is to be given 21 days following the first dose. For Moderna, the second dose is to be given 28 days following the first dose. In most instances, Tulare County Public Health is organizing second dose vaccinations to occur at the same locations as the first dose.

It is extremely important that residents who are vaccinated for COVID continue to maintain safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including masking and social distancing, until vaccinations are is widely available. It is imperative to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Tulare County by practicing both social and physical distancing of six feet or more between persons and not participating in social gatherings of any kind. Residents must always wear a face mask or covering while in environments where physical distancing is not possible and while in public settings. In addition, everyone is encouraged to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer, regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces, and stay home if you are sick or instructed to isolate/quarantine by a medical or public health professional.

For more information about COVID-19, visit www.tchhsa.org/ncov and www.covid19.tularecounty.ca.gov



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