COVID-19 News Releases

February 3, 2022 News Release: How to Stay Safe at Indoor Social Events and Large Gatherings as COVID-19 Continues to be Widespread in Tulare County

COVID-19 continues to be widespread in Tulare County, fueled by the latest Omicron variant of the virus. Tulare County Public Health officials are reporting some of the highest COVID-19 case rates and positivity rates ever during the ongoing pandemic. The California Department of Public Health has released updated requirements for attending and hosting mega-events, such as concerts, expos, and sporting events. The current threshold for indoor mega-events is 500 attendees and for outdoor mega-events it is 5,000 attendees.

January 27, 2022 Public Health Advisory: Early COVID-19 Treatment for People with High-Risk Conditions

There are medicines available to prevent severe illness or disease if you start to get sick with COVID-19. The medicines must be given as soon as possible, BEFORE people are sick enough to need to go to the hospital.

January 5, 2022 Public Health Advisory: Isolation and Quarantine Guidance

The following updates reflect an alignment with recent California Department of Public Health (CDPH) community guidance for isolation and quarantine updated December 27, 2021. This is based off the most recent data regarding the transmissibility of the Omicron variant and the importance of timely booster vaccines.  

January 5, 2022 News Release: Tulare County Provides FREE COVID Test Kits for Children Returning to School

In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, Tulare County Public Health and the Tulare County Fire Department are teaming up to provide at-home COVID test kits for children returning to school from winter break. Beginning January 5, at-home rapid COVID test kits will be available at various county fire stations, free of charge.

December 30, 2021 News Release: Omicron (B.1.1.529) Variant Confirmed and Spreading Rapidly in Tulare County

Tulare County Public Health has confirmed the first cases of the COVID-19 Omicron variant in three samples collected recently from Tulare County residents. The three officially confirmed cases have been verified through full genomic sequencing; two were detected through surveillance conducted by the TCPHL and a third case was identified through sequencing by an outside laboratory. 

December 24, 2021 News Release: COVID-19 Omicron (B.1.1.529) Variant in Tulare County

Tulare County Public Health has identified the first potential cases of the COVID-19 Omicron variant in two samples collected recently from Tulare County residents. The samples demonstrated a pattern called “S-gene drop-out” on the Thermofisher TaqPath PCR test for COVID-19. It will take several days to confirm these results using genomic sequencing.

September 30, 2021 Public Health Advisory: Booster for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines continue to be very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. Certain populations are seeing a slight decrease in preventing infection. Booster Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are now recommended to high-risk populations to ensure ongoing protection. 

September 16, 2021 News Release: Cases of COVID-19 Continue to Rise, Tulare County Public Health Recommends Masking Indoors and Re-enforces COVID Protocols

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Tulare County and local hospitals continue to be overwhelmed with patients severely sick with COVID-19, Tulare County Health Officer Dr. Karen Haught is recommending all Tulare County residents and visitors wear face coverings when indoors.

September 2, 2021 News Release: Cases of COVID-19 Are Dramatically Escalating, Residents Urged to Take Precautions Over the Labor Day Holiday

The latest results of genomic sequencing from the Tulare County Public Health Laboratory suggest that nearly all COVID-19 cases in this area are due to the highly infectious Delta variant. With the Delta variant being more contagious and spreading rapidly in Tulare County, it is very important for all individuals to wear a face covering when indoors in public buildings or businesses and when outdoors in crowds.

August 27, 2021 Public Health Advisory: Ivermectin Has Not Been Proven to Prevent or Treat COVID-19, May Cause Harmful Health Effects if Taken Not as Prescribed

A Statement from Dr. Karen Haught, Tulare County Public Health Officer: Please be advised that Ivermectin has not been proven to prevent or treat COVID-19 and can cause harmful health effects if taken in an unapproved manner.

August 24, 2021 Public Health Advisory: FDA Approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to prevent COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine continues to be available under an Emergency Use Authorization for individuals aged 12-15 and for third doses for individuals who are immunocompromised.

July 29, 2021 Public Health Advisory: Update on the Delta Variant and New Guidance on Masking for Fully Vaccinated Persons

Getting vaccinated and wearing a mask are the best ways to prevent COVID-19 infection, including from the new Delta variant. This variant is markedly more contagious than the U.K. variant and more than twice as contagious as the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. Research shows the vaccines are effective against the Delta variant by reducing virus spread and preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19. With the current vaccination rate in Tulare County, more than 2/3 of our community remains at risk. 

July 29, 2021 News Release: Tulare CountyTulare County Health & Human Services Agency Announces Closure of Child Welfare Services Location and Call Center Due to COVID-19

The Human Services Branch of the Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA) confirms that multiple public employees at the Tulare County Child Welfare Services and the Call Center located in Visalia have tested positive for COVID-19. The buildings closed effective July 22, 2021, and all employees were advised to remain home until the buildings were sanitized and the contact tracing was completed.

July 2, 2021 News Release: Tulare County Reports an Increase of the COVID-19 Delta Variant, Residents Urged to Take Precautions 

More cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant have been detected in Tulare County and confirmed by Tulare County Public Health. These cases were identified through genomic sequencing conducted by the Tulare County Public Health Laboratory.

June 24, 2021 News Release: Tulare County Identifies First Case of Delta (B.1.617.2) COVID-19 Variant

Tulare County Public Health has identified and confirmed the first known case of the COVID-19 Delta variant found in a Tulare County resident. The case was identified through genomic sequencing conducted by the Tulare County Public Health Laboratory.

May 21, 2021 News Release: COVID-19 Community Vaccinations in Tulare County - Tulare County Public Health is organizing pop-up community vaccination clinics throughout Tulare County

Tulare County Public Health is organizing and sponsoring a variety of community-based vaccination clinics in rural and underserved communities of Tulare County. Anyone age 12 and older is eligible to get vaccinated at these community vaccination clinics, no appointment necessary.

May 14, 2021 News Release: Tulare County Vaccinating Children Ages 12–15 with Pfizer Vaccine - Visiting and consulting with family pediatrician or health care provider encouraged

In its ongoing efforts to get more vaccines to its residents, Tulare County is offering the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine free to children ages 12 to 15, regardless of health conditions or immigration status. Additionally, parents or guardians are asked to visit and consult with a pediatrician regarding the Pfizer vaccination. 

May 12, 2021 News Release: Several COVID-19 Community Vaccination Clinics Being Transitioned

Tulare County Public Health is pleased to announce that several of its COVID-19 community vaccination clinics are being transitioned to trusted collaborative partners. Joining Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA) vaccination efforts in rural and underserved communities is Family HealthCare Network, Curative, and Sierra View Hospital and Imperial Ambulance.

May 7, 2021 News Release: COVID-19 Community Vaccinations in Tulare County (May 10-15)

Tulare County Public Health is organizing and sponsoring a variety of community-based vaccination clinics in rural and underserved communities of Tulare County. Anyone age 16 and older is eligible to get vaccinated at these community vaccination clinics, no appointment necessary.

April 30, 2021 News Release: COVID-19 Community Vaccinations in Tulare County; Public Health is organizing pop-up community vaccination clinics

Tulare County Public Health is organizing and sponsoring a variety of community-based vaccination clinics in rural and underserved communities of Tulare County. Anyone age 16 and older is eligible to get vaccinated at these community vaccination clinics, no appointment necessary.

Agency News

New Area Code, New Dialing Procedure

New Area Code, New Dialing Procedure

The California Public Utilities Commission is adding a new area code, 357, to the areas using the 559 area code. Starting February 26, 2025, local calls will require dialing 1 + area code + phone number (1 +10 digits). You can still dial just 3 digits for 911, 988, and other services like 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 if available

Public Health's Fruit and Veggie Fest 2025

Public Health's Fruit and Veggie Fest 2025

Join CalFresh Healthy Living and SaveCo for this year's annual Fruit and Veggie Fest on April 2! This fest is free to the public and includes fun and educational activities for the entire family. Come learn fun and easy ways to make every day delicious by adding fruits and vegetables to your meals.