TulareWORKs Family Advocate

The TulareWORKs Family Advocate responds to inquiries, complaints, or concerns regarding various TulareWORKs services, including CalWORKs (cash aid), Medi-Cal, CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps), and General Assistance (GA).
With a high level of discretion and integrity, the TulareWORKs Family Advocate provides assistance and support to clients and community partners to help them better understand TulareWORKs policies and procedures, and assists with concerns and complaints that haven’t been resolved through other avenues.
Take these steps to resolve a problem or issue regarding your case:
- Discuss the problem with a Self-Sufficiency Counselor.
- If you cannot resolve the problem, discuss with the counselor's supervisor and/or manager.
- If the problem is still not resolved or continues to occur, contact the TulareWORKs Family Advocate.
- TulareWORKs Family Advocate Brochure
Click here for the TulareWORKs Family Advocate Brochure