Employment Services & Family Stabilization

If you are receiving CalWORKs benefits through TulareWORKs, you may receive employment-related services through the Family Stabilization program and/or the Employment Services program that can assist you in becoming self-sufficient.
Family Stabilization
The Family Stabilization Program helps address potential barriers that can affect your success in participating the the Employment Services program. This program provides services in the following areas:
- Mental Health Counseling
- Domestic Abuse
- Substance Abuse
- Life Skills
Employment Services
The Employment Services Program helps with obtaining and retaining employment by helping you build skills, work history, and knowledge of the current labor market. Services include:
- Job Skills Training
- Work Experience
- Subsidized Employment
- Job Search
In both programs, supportive services may also be provided to assist with costs, such as:
- Mileage/Bus Passes
- Child Care
- Diapers ($30 per eligible child)
- Work clothing and/or supplies
- Books and other school supplies
Call our offices or talk with your TulareWORKs case manager to learn more.