Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

If you are pregnant, have just had a baby, are breastfeeding, or have a child under the age of five, and you meet the income guidelines, you might be eligible for the Women, Infants & Children program (commonly referred to as WIC). Families with children under five who were previously on Healthy Families and now have Medi-Cal may be eligible for WIC.

WIC is designed to help pregnant women, new mothers, and young children eat well and stay healthy. WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care and social services. The WIC card can be used to buy nutritious foods at many local stores. Online nutrition education is also available.

There are nine WIC sites in Tulare County. With one call to the WIC toll-free number, you can find the location nearest to you, get information on WIC programs and services, and speak to friendly staff members who can answer your questions. For a list of frequent questions and answers, see the links below.

The foods provided through WIC are good sources for essential nutrients. Participation in the WIC program can improve your family’s health and help you make healthy lifestyle changes. 

WIC Mission
To Engage, Inspire and Educate our Participants and Staff through the development of strategies that deliver services when, where, and how they need them in order to improve the lives of Families in Tulare County.

Related Documents & Links

Create WIC Health Account Online
Create WIC Health Account Online

New to wichealth? This page provides a link and a brief video to quickly set up your account in minutes. Get started with wichealth.org and complete your nutrition education to receive your WIC benefits.


This folder is intended to provide information on services. 

Break Time for Nursing Mothers
Break Time for Nursing Mothers

Click on the above link for information about your rights as a nursing mother in the workplace.

MyFamily WIC
MyFamily WIC

Learn more on supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education and counseling, and screening and referrals to other health, welfare, and social services. 


WIC Mobile Web is designed to enhance the WIC participant experience for those on the Program while providing ease of access to those considering participation.