Cumbre Inaugural del Condado de Tulare para Personas sin Hogar (10.25.17)

Cumbre Inaugural del Condado de Tulare para Personas sin Hogar (10.25.17)

Esta cumbre de medio día reunió a expertos locales, así como a representantes de las mejores prácticas estatales y nacionales. La presentación de cada presentador está disponible para descargar a continuación iInformación solo disponible en Inglés).

Homeless Summit 2017 - Agenda Pamphlet 10.25.17
Homeless Summit 2017 - Agenda Pamphlet 10.25.17

This document is the event agenda with brief speaker profiles.

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Joe Colletti, PhD - Keynote
Joe Colletti, PhD - Keynote

Dr. Joe Colletti, Executive Director of the Hub for Urban Initiatives and Adjunct Professor of Urban Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, has worked for over 20 years with cities and counties developing and implementing local jurisdictional plans and programs, including continuum of care program applications and community assessments, to prevent and end homelessness. He developed Chefs Center, a kitchen incubator that has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs become owners of food-based businesses. He and his wife live in Pasadena. Learn more:

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Machael Smith - KingsTulare Homeless Alliance - Panel 1
Machael Smith - KingsTulare Homeless Alliance - Panel 1

Machael Smith, the Executive Director of the Kings/Tulare Homeless Alliance, has provided leadership on several strategic initiatives such as the local 10-year Plan to End Homelessness, coordinated entry system, annual point-in-time counts, and system performance measurements. When not working, she spends time gardening, reading, paddleboarding, and hiking with her husband and three children.

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Ryan Stillwater - Visalia Rescue Mission - Panel 1
Ryan Stillwater - Visalia Rescue Mission - Panel 1

Ryan Stillwater, Director of Development at the Visalia Rescue Mission, is a Visalia native and obtained his BA in Christian Ministries at Fresno Pacific University. Ryan is a member of Visalia County Center Rotary and serves on various local boards and committees. Ryan and his wife Amy have three children.

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

William Cole & Rhiannon Samuel - St Martins Hope Works - Panel 2
William Cole & Rhiannon Samuel - St Martins Hope Works - Panel 2

Rhiannon Samuel, Director of Communications for the City of Albuquerque’s Mayor, Richard Berry, was raised with a deep passion for serving her community. Her efforts to promote the “There’s a Better Way” program for the homeless has resulted in the adoption of the program by 20 cities around the county. An Albuquerque native, Rhiannon graduated from the University of New Mexico.

William Cole, the “superstar driver” for the St. Martin’s HopeWorks “There’s a Better Way” employment program for the homeless, serves as a role model and connection point for program participants. Mr. Cole’s achievements include being named St. Martin’s HopeWorks 2016 Employee of the Year and receiving the 2017 Good Samaritan award by Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry.

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Robert Bendorf & Chaya Galicia - Yuba County (14 Forward) - Panel 2
Robert Bendorf & Chaya Galicia - Yuba County (14 Forward) - Panel 2

Chaya Galicia, Homeless Project Manager with Yuba County Health & Human Services, has worked on creating homelessness solutions, including homelessness programming, for over 16 years. She serves as the  president of the Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium/ Continuum of Care and assisted in the creation and implementation of the innovative homeless shelter 14 Forward and the Sutter Yuba Coordinated Entry system.

Robert Bendorf, County Administrator for Yuba County, has served on numerous state task forces and boards, including AB 109, Court Transfers, County – Court Mediations, CSAC – League of Cities Task Force on Homelessness, the Governor’s No Place Like Home Advisory Committee, and the CSAC Finance Corporation. He also serves on many community organization boards, including youth sports, Kiwanis, and the Active 20-30 club.

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Margarita Lares - Housing Authority of Los Angeles - Panel 2
Margarita Lares - Housing Authority of Los Angeles - Panel 2

Margarita Lares, Director of the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles’ Assisted Housing Division, directs a variety of housing programs for approximately 26,000 low-income households. Under her leadership, the Authority has greatly improved scores against federal standards and has developed many innovative homelessness strategies, including a Homeless Incentive Program providing landlord incentives. 

(Información solo disponible en Inglés)

Noticias de la Agencia

Nuevo Prefijo, Nuevo Procedimiento de Marcacion

Nuevo Prefijo, Nuevo Procedimiento de Marcacion

La Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California está añadiendo un nuevo código de área, 357, a las áreas que utilizan el código de área 559. A partir del 26 de febrero de 2025, las llamadas locales requerirán marcar 1 + código de área + número de teléfono (1 +10 dígitos). Puede seguir marcando sólo 3 dígitos para el 911, 988 y otros servicios como 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 u 811 si están disponibles.

Festival de Frutas y Verduras 2025 de Salud Publica

Festival de Frutas y Verduras 2025 de Salud Publica

ilJnase a CalFresh Healthy Living y SaveCo para el festival anual de frutas y verduras de este ario el 2 de Abril ! Este festival es gratuito e incluye actividades divertidas y educativas para toda la familia. Ven a aprender formas divertidas y faciles de hacer que cada dfa sea delicioso aiiadiendo frutas y verduras a tus comidas.