Cultural Competency & Compliance

Tulare County Behavioral Health
24-Hour Crisis and Access Lines
Mental Health Services Access and Crisis Line: 1-800-320-1616
Substance Use Disorder Access Line: 1-866-732-4114
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
Problem Resolution (Grievances and Appeals)
Behavioral Health: 1-800-500-4465
Substance Use Disorder: 1-833-433-4988
Cultural and Linguistic Competency is an integral part of our day-to-day management and public initiative. This commitment is achieved through a variety of training/educational sessions, policy development, community engagement and assessment, and on-going collaborative involvement with the diverse community members, consumers and their family members, and stakeholders, as identified by the behavioral health community priority needs assessments.
The Cultural Competency Committee (CCC) comprises former and current advocates, consumers, family members of participants in Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder programs, cultural brokers, behavioral health providers, substance use disorder providers, and community members. The committee meets periodically to: plan, organize, discuss, and implement training; to review and evaluate data reports collected; and to identify and discuss outreach and engagement efforts of community-driven health and cultural events, conferences, and other outreach opportunities open for participation. The committee also reviews and interprets relevant policies, legislation, and documents related to cultural competence.
Related Documents and Links
- Compliance
The Tulare County Behavioral Health Department (TCBH) is committed to providing high- quality health care services in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
- Protected Health Information
Protected Health Information (PHI) is any individually identifiable health information that is transmitted or maintained in electronic or any other form or medium.