Video: Understanding Self-Neglect for Seniors

Video: Understanding Self-Neglect for Seniors

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. To honor and recognize this year's theme Seniors Deserve Our Respect and Our Attention, we're sharing our second video in a two-part series that focuses on our Adult Protective Services program and the work they do in keeping our most vulnerable population safe, healthy, and independent. 

Did you know that in Tulare County self-neglect is the most common condition reported to our APS, typically accounting for up to 50% of all investigations? In watching the video you will learn about potential factors and warning signs and symptoms that lead to self-neglect. 



Self-neglect occurs when older adults, by choice or by lack of awareness, live in ways that are harmful to themselves. They may be unwilling or unable to perform essential self-care tasks, such as providing food and clothing, getting the right medical care, maintaining personal hygiene, or managing financial affairs.

Self-neglect is a complex problem; each case will have unique circumstances and challenges. Overall, the goal of APS is to maintain the safety, health, and independence of the individual. When a family member or loved one starts to exhibit signs of self-neglect, help is always available at (877) 657-3092.


Agency News

Video: Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program

Video: Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program

When everyday tasks such as cooking dinner, climbing stairs, or managing your medical appointments become too difficult for you to do on your own, the Multipurpose Senior Services Program, also known as MSSP, might be able to help. 

Video: Understanding Self-Neglect for Seniors

Video: Understanding Self-Neglect for Seniors

In Tulare County self-neglect is the most common condition reported to our Adult Protective Services program, typically accounting for up to 50% of all investigations. The goal of APS is to maintain the safety, health, and independence of the individual.

Suicide Prevention Month

Suicide Prevention Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, which includes Suicide Prevention Week (September 8-14) and World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10).  

September Marks National Preparedness Month

September Marks National Preparedness Month

September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual campaign to remind everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can keep them, their families and their communities safe.